Never stop
Players • Parents • Coaches • the Church
It’s a simple yet powerful command. We should be in constant communication with our Heavenly Father. Let this 23 Weeks of Prayer page be a guide for you as you pray for your Upward Sports league this season.
Pray that those in schools and the community will hear about the league. Pray that they’ll be encouraged to sign up once registration opens.
Pray that digital advertising efforts work. Pray that the church website and social media outlets will serve as strong messengers for advertising the league.
Pray that God will bring people to the league that don’t have a church home. Pray that God will use the advertising of the league to reach families that don’t attend church in hopes they’ll register and hear about Jesus in your league.
Pray for large numbers of people to register. Pray that numerous people will sign up to participate in hopes of reaching more people for Christ.
Pray for the league director as they recruit coaches and volunteers. Pray that God will bring people to the league who are passionate about serving others and sharing God’s love.
Pray that the registration process will go smoothly for participants. Pray for zero technical issues and that all of the systems will work well so that participants have a great league experience.
Pray for evaluations, that participants will feel welcomed and encouraged. Pray for the volunteers at evaluations to be warm and inviting to participants and families.
Pray that God will keep volunteers and participants safe during the season. Pray that those involved in the league will not be affected by sickness and be able to fully participate each week.
Pray for the coach and referee training. Pray that coaches will be inspired to show the love of Christ to athletes and families. Pray that referees will be encouraged to be patient and fair.
Pray for the coaches. Pray that they will put in preparation time for each week’s practice. Pray they’ll be diligent in teaching skills and drills and leading the devotion time.
Pray for the young athletes to feel welcomed at the first practice. Pray that the nervousness will be short-lived and that participants will begin forming friendships with others.
Pray for the parents of participants. Pray that their experience this season will be a positive one as their child learns new skills and learns about Jesus Christ.
Pray that the first game day will go well. Pray for games to start on time, for coaches to be encouraging, for referees to be diligent, and for God to be honored.
Pray that the church would minister to the unchurched families. Pray for spiritual discussions to take place and friendships to be formed with families who are not part of a church home.
Pray for participants who are members of the church. Pray that their experience in the league will make them not just better athletes, but better people, living lives that honor God.
Pray for all the volunteers. Pray for them to be encouraging to one another and diligent in their specific tasks.
Pray that coaches and referees work together. Pray that coaches set a good example in their interactions with referees. Pray that referees are fair and honest during games.
Pray that halftime activities will go smoothly. Pray that all halftimes and breaks in gameplay will be filled with encouraging words from coaches and other volunteers.
Pray that participants will be spiritually intrigued. Pray that during practice devotions and conversations with coaches the participants will grow curious about God and the wonderful plan he has for their lives.
Pray that the gospel will be shared. Pray for God to speak to the hearts of the young athletes, that they might come to confess sin and trust in Jesus, dedicating their whole lives to following him.
Pray for postgame interactions between coaches and players. Pray that coaches will be intentional in praising young athletes for their effort. Pray the following week’s practice will be a time of learning and more encouragement.
Pray for rest and encouragement for the volunteers. Pray that the league director, coaches, referees, and other volunteers would not feel overwhelmed but would remain focused on promoting the discovery of Jesus through sports.
Pray for the end-of-year celebrations and/or tournaments. Pray that the close of the season will be a positive experience for young athletes and their families. Pray that the church will be faithful in following up with families and connecting them to the church.