How Is Sports Ministry Being Used in Churches?

Corrina Ramirez | Content Writer at Upward Sports

Churches often use ministry to connect to their congregation and their community. From music ministry to ministries for men, women, and children, churches can provide ample opportunities for people to get involved. Another ministry being used by churches is sports ministry. When people think of sports ministry, they often think about the game being played. However, this ministry offers more than just the opportunity for youth to play a sport. In fact, there are many ways that sports ministry is being used in churches.

Reaching Families

Even though sports ministry is typically geared toward youth, it has the unique ability to reach families, too. When children need to be at practice, a parent or family member will likely be there with them. On game day, it isn’t uncommon for extended family members to gather to watch the child participate. Both practices and games are excellent opportunities to share the gospel and to reach families.

Mobilizing the Congregation to Serve

Through sports ministry, the church congregation has a unique opportunity to serve. Members who are enthusiastic about sports may wish to serve as a coach or a referee. While roles such as coaches and referees are needed, sports ministry also includes other opportunities for congregation members wishing to serve in different capacities. Those with the gift of hospitality can serve by being available during practices to ensure families feel welcome. Other members of the congregation who prefer to stay behind the scenes can help with administration duties to ensure the sports ministry is well organized. No matter how members of the congregation wish to serve, sports ministry allows them to use their gifts and talents in various ways.

Utilizing Facilities

Some churches may have facilities that they are underutilizing and want to find a way to use them. Maybe there is a gymnasium that isn’t being used. While many people think of basketball when they think of a gymnasium, other sports, such as volleyball, soccer, and even pickleball, can be played in a gymnasium. On the other hand, a church may have a lot of outdoor space. Sports like flag football, baseball, softball, and soccer are excellent choices for a sports ministry to host when they have outdoor space. Not only is the space being put to good use, but it allows the church to reach out to people in the community.

Serving the Community

Offering a sports ministry opportunity is a unique way for a church to serve the community. There is no denying the popularity of sports, including travel sports. However, these sports opportunities often hold practice multiple nights of the week or have games on Sunday. Also, the competitive nature of these offerings may not appeal to everyone. By offering sports ministry, churches can offer sports with a less demanding schedule and focus on the fundamentals of a sport while still offering a competitive atmosphere.

Offering a Place Where People Belong

Sports bring people together, and by opening the doors through sports ministry, the church can offer a place where people belong. By creating a welcoming and positive environment, people can come together to play or watch a sport, connect with others in the church or community, and grow athletically and spiritually. If your church is looking to start a sports ministry, consider partnering with Upward Sports. Upward Sports offers the tools for a church to start and run a sports ministry. Upward Sports offers resources to train your sports ministry team, register participants, share devotions, and more so that your church can offer a place where youth can play, and people belong.

Are you ready to bring sports ministry to your church?

If so, Upward Sports is ready to equip your church with the tools and resources to conduct a sustainable sports ministry that fits your community and allows you to minister and share the gospel.


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