How to Advertise Your Upcoming Sports League: Best Practices Webinar

A Webinar with Jennifer McCraw, Andrea Pruitt, Drew Langdren, & Brad Winter

In this informative webinar, sports ministry experts shared their best practices for advertising and promoting upcoming sports leagues. The goal was to attract families and use the league as an opportunity to introduce them to the church and share the Gospel message.

Complementing Your Community

One of the key strategies discussed was to complement rather than compete with existing community events and sports programs. This involved carefully planning your league timeline, offering discounts (early bird, sibling, coach), and being aware of other happenings in the area. The experts emphasized involving your league in community events like camps, trunk-or-treats, and more to raise awareness.

Allowing Ample Advertising Window

Panelists recommended allocating an 8-12 week advertising window before your league’s start date. This ample time ensures you can effectively promote through various channels and create excitement within the community.

Leveraging Social Media Presence

Having an active social media presence was highlighted as crucial for successful advertising. Tactics included:

  • Creating Facebook ads targeted to your local area
  • Posting engaging videos and personalized pictures of players/coaches
  • Launching a dedicated Facebook page for your sports ministry
  • Utilizing the provided seasonal graphics and messaging

Traditional Advertising Methods

While digital marketing is essential, the experts reminded attendees not to overlook traditional advertising avenues like:

  • Local radio ads
  • Postcards/flyers in neighborhoods
  • Registration tables at schools and church events
  • Promoting through schools’ communication channels
  • Yard signs and billboards

Building Your Sports Ministry Brand

Creating a memorable game-day experience and fostering a sense of community were identified as vital for generating positive word-of-mouth – a powerful advertising tool. Tactics included:

  • Player introductions and announcing
  • Team logos and fan sections
  • Energetic music and decorations
  • Involving the entire church community


The panelists emphasized that while executing these advertising strategies is crucial, the ultimate purpose is to create an opportunity to introduce families to Jesus through the sports ministry.

Key Takeaways

  • Plan an extensive advertising campaign utilizing diverse channels
  • Engage your community through compelling digital and traditional advertising
  • Prioritize creating a positive, community-driven game-day experience
  • Use advertising as an invitation to ultimately share the Gospel

By implementing these best practices, churches can effectively advertise their sports leagues, attract new families, and fulfill their greater mission of spreading the Good News.

Looking to start and plan an Upward Sports Ministry at your church? We are ready to support you!

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